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Groningen in beeld

On social impact and the future

RUG_Stedum_voorjaar2023-2-WEB.jpg inwoners Groningen, vertrouwen, schade, immateriele schade, maatschappelijke gevolgen, Groningen, provincie Groningen, Cultureel erfgoed, Groninger Bodembeweging, Groningen gasveld, overheid, ramp, fossiel, energie, economie, versterking, compensatie

The parliamentary inquiry, the Groningers over gas report, and the subsequent cabinet response have ensured that there is more national attention to the social consequences of gas extraction. Groningen is finally more in the picture.


This conference, which took place on Thursday November 23rd, focused on these developments. In addition, we launched our new book Inzicht in impact. In it we provide an overview of the latest developments in the gas extraction case. Besides a knowledge overview, with a reflection on Nij begun and Impact in Beeld, consisting of interviews and photographs, the book contains eight essays written by various researchers. They provide depth on under-explored themes and share lines of thought for the future. In several sessions, these researchers contributed to the conference from their expertise. Our goal? To share knowledge and connect science, policy and practice.

During the plenary opening, journalist Arnoud Bodde interviewed the authors of Inzicht in impact Willemijn Schreuder (Researcher Knowledge Platform), Nienke Busscher (Coordinator Knowledge Platform) and Tom Postmes (Scientific Director Knowledge Platform). What is the state of knowledge and how do they view developments in the gas extraction case? Arnoud also talked to the Knowledge Platform about the role of knowledge in the case and what its future plans are. Then began the elective program in which the essayists from the book presented their research and insights, sometimes mirrored with the experiences of professionals in the field. 

Round 1


Session 1: Crisis response to various disasters and its lessons and application in Groningen

  • Michel Dückers (Professor by special appointment Crises, Safety and Health University of Groningen)

  • Merel van Herpen (Policy advisor/researcher ARQ Knowledge Center Impact van Rampen en Crises)


Session 2: Broad prosperity and how this concept works in practice

  • Sierdjan Koster (Adjunct Professor in Economic Geography and Labour Market Dynamics University of Groningen)

  • Aleid Brouwer (Senior researcher and Professor by special appointment Brede Welvaart en Kansen(on)gelijkheid CMO STAMM and University of Groningen)

  • Maud Diemer (Programme Manager Municipality of Het Hogeland)


Session 3: Mining, water and countermapping in Groningen and Guatemala: the power of visualization (Interactive session, English)

  • Hannah Porada (PhD-researcher University of Amsterdam)

  • Guadalupe García Prado (Mining Observatory Guatemala)

  • Moderator: Aziza Zijlstra (Researcher Knowledge platform)


Round 2


Session 1: The six principles for trust-based damage policy and the new opportunities in Nij begun

  • Herman Bröring (Professor Administrative Law University of Groningen)

  • Georgina Kuipers (Senior researcher, Teacher and Program Manager at The Netherlands School of Public Administration)

  • Moderator: Tom Postmes (Scientific Director Knowledge Platform)


Session 2: How gas extraction has shaped the identity of Groningen and how Experiment Krewerd has provided insight for the village plan approach

  • Hiska Ubels (Senior Researcher Living Environment in Transition Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen)

  • Elisabeth Moolenaar (Teacher and Researcher Regis University in Denver, Colorado)

  • Moderator: Liesbeth van de Wetering (Programme Manager Quality of Public Administration for the province Groningen & Quartermaker Strategic Future Agenda Groningen for the Municipality of Groningen)


Session 3: Shell in the Niger Delta and Groningen: insight and lessons for the future

  • Obiozo Ukpabi (PhD-researcher University of Humanistic Studies)

  • Nienke Busscher (Coordinator Knowledge Platform)

  • Moderator: Willemijn Schreuder (Researcher Knowledge Platform)

© 2021 Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen 

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