Insight into impact
The social consequences of gas extraction from the Groningen field continue to unfold. This is partly due to the gas extraction and the earthquakes themselves, but also due to the search for a good approach to managing the consequences, and the many changes in policy and administration. The case is becoming increasingly complex and confusing. Attempts to address the problems sometimes result in new crisis. How does this impact the residents and their living environment? Knowledge about this is not always accessible and is spread across various research groups, institutions and agencies. The Knowledge Platform provides an overview of knowledge in the book: Inzicht in impact. De maatschappelijke gevolgen van de gaswinning en denkrichtingen voor de toekomst.
The book consists of three parts. The first part, the knowledge overview, presents the most important research, reports and developments until mid-2023. It connects knowledge from different disciplines and allows the reader to better understand the case and its progress.
As you drive through the province of Groningen, the impact of gas extraction becomes increasingly visible. The reinforcement operation is in full swing. Many houses are in scaffolding or struts. Construction workers working day and night. Hundreds of houses have been demolished and rebuilt. Hundreds of temporary houses have been built on the outskirts of the affected villages. In some places, empty spaces stand where once were houses. All this affects the quality of life and appearance of the many villages and neighborhoods. How does this influence residents? In the Visualising Impact section, various residents tell (part of) their story and we use photos to capture the state of the province.
Photographer Marieke Kijk in de Vegte once again entered the gas extraction area. In her photos, she highlights the beauty and activity in the province. Her photographs show the importance of heritage within the context of the villages.

In addition to an overview of the state of knowledge, several researchers give their views on the gas extraction case in in-depth essays. In eight essays they address the burning issues or abrasive questions in their field, inviting the reader to think, doubt and analyze. The authors are very familiar with the case and/or the region. They share knowledge about underexposed and complex issues from the case in an accessible manner. [Only available in Dutch]
An English version of the book is also available: Insight into Impact. This provides a summary of the Dutch book, enriched with a concise background and history of the case.
The book is available in various libraries in the province of Groningen and North Drenthe. It is also possible to pick up a (free) copy at our office. Please feel free to contact us for this.