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Gaswinning aardbevingen Groningen versterking samenwerking Kennisplatform en Dagblad van het Noorden 'Het Nieuwe Noorden'.jpg  Het nieuwe noorden, groningen, groninger gasveld, gemeente groningen gaskraan dicht, effectgebied, gemeente groningen, provincie Groningen, vertrouwen, erkenning, toekomstbeeld, inwoners, veiligheid, energie, overheid, gaswinningsgebied

'Het Nieuwe Noorden'


In 2021, in collaboration with the regional newspaper, Dagblad van het Noorden, the Knowledge Platform worked on a multimedia project about the future of the gas extraction area: 'Het Nieuwe Noorden'/'The New North'. With this project, the Knowledge Platform wanted to stimulate a dialogue about the future of an area that may be heavily burdened by gas extraction problems, but that also has a lot of value and potential. By collaborating with Dagblad van het Noorden, we hoped to reach a wide audience and involve them in this dialogue.


'Het Nieuwe Noorden' focuses on four themes related to the future of the Northern Netherlands: the landscape, the economy, the energy transition and trust. It concerned extensive online articles, long reads, supported with visual material and with many relevant references, and more concise articles in the Saturday edition of the Dagblad van het Noorden. Each (online) article referred to in-depth material, such as (scientific) studies and reports.

The longreads also served as a source of inspiration for the discussion about the Environmental Vision on the  platform Stem van de Provincie Groningen of the Province of Groningen.

The longreads are written in Dutch.

Liveability and trust

'In de ziel geraakt. Als mijnbouw een bom onder je bestaan legt. De parallellen tussen het mijnwerkersstadje Kiruna in Zweden en het verscheurde Groningen.'

The fourth long read of Het Nieuwe Noorden was published on June 26, 2021: 'Struck in the soul'. In this longread, Maaike Borst discusses the themes of quality of life and trust by making a comparison between Groningen and Kiruna (Sweden).


Energy transition

'Worstelen met zon en wind. Transitiepijn in Groningen'

The third long read of Het Nieuwe Noorden was published on May 29, 2021: 'Wrestling with sun and wind. Transition pain in Groningen'. In this long read Gerdt van Hofslot focuses on the theme: energy and the resistance against it.


'Groningen hoofdstation van Nederlandse economie'

The second long read of Het Nieuwe Noorden was published on 24 April 2021: 'Groningen, main station of the Dutch economy'. In this long read Frank von Hebel and Gerdt van Hofslot discuss the economy, employment, and knowledge.

  • Another article appeared in the Saturday edition (24 April 2021) of the Dagblad van het Noorden.

  • The full version of the long read is available online and freely accessible.

  • In the pre-article 'Genoeg werk na dichtdraaien gaskraan' on the site of the Dagblad van het Noorden, you can find a preview of the second long read on Friday April 23, 2021.


'Een nieuwe toekomst voor Groningen'

On March 27, 2021, the first of four long reads in the series about The New North. In this first long read, Mannus van der Laan focuses on the theme of 'landscape'.​

  • An article appeared in the Saturday edition (27 March 2021) of the Dagblad van het Noorden.

  • The full version of the article is available online and freely accessible.

  • Mannus van der Laan followed this route through the Groningen landscape.

  • In the podcast Hungry Wolf of the Dagblad van het Noorden you will get a preview of this first long read on Thursday 25 March. You can also listen to the podcast via the website of the Dagblad van het Noorden and via various podcast apps.

Landschappen van het NoordenHongerige Wolf
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