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Knowledge Café 'Perspectives on safety: what do they mean for the region, homes and residents?'

Our Knowledge Café took place on Thursday February 2nd with the theme: Perspectives on safety. What does this mean for the region, homes and residents? The reinforcement operation is primarily aimed at restoring the physical safety of homes. This concept of safety is too limited because, for example, it does not match the experiences of residents. How do different perspectives on safety relate to each other? And how can these perspectives be better brought together?

Chris Geurts (principal consultant TNO) gave a presentation about safety frameworks in the Netherlands and the instruments used in Groningen to calculate the safety risks of gas extraction: the seismische dreigings- en risicoanalyse (SDRA), the NPR 9998 and the typologie aanpak. These technical instruments have major social consequences, because they are used to determine which buildings need to be inspected and possibly reinforced.

In addition to this model-based perspective, there are also other perspectives on safety. As a senior construction consultant at the Nationaal Coördinator Groningen, Dil Tirimanna is responsible for making estimations with regard to the safety of buildings. His expertise lies in translating general safety standards into reinforcement measures for specific buildings. During the Knowledge Café, he explained how the risk calculations are made and which considerations play a role in this. As a resident and architect, Geir Eide shed light on the safety perception of residents. He talked about his experience with the reinforcement of his home and reflects on the experiences of residents in which he is involved as a professional.


Regina Bouius-Riemersma (General Director of NCG) gave an extensive reflection on how the NCG tries to bring these perspectives together. 


The Knowledge Café was led by Melanie Bakema (policy advisor Crisis Management Veiligheidsregio Groningen).

© 2021 Kennisplatform Leefbaar en Kansrijk Groningen 

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