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Knowledge cafe

Herman Bröring introduced the afternoon on October 31, 2019 with a presentation on the recently published book Legal aspects of gas extraction – Een 'Groningse' Reconaissance (Oldenhuis and others). Bröring wrote two chapters in it: 'Overview of Institutions: Context, Function and Development' and 'Public Law Approaches'. After this, Janet van de Bunt gave a lecture on the legal aspects of claims settlement and the Temporary Act Groningen. Finally, George de Kam gave a lecture on the principles and outcomes of the value decline models that have been submitted to the court from Stichting Waardedaling Groningen (WAG). After the lectures there was room for discussion and it ended with a drink.

Lecture Janet van de Bunt

Janet van de Bunt is a lawyer and philosopher. For a large part of her working life, she taught at various universities and conducted research into the legal aspects of claims settlement. She also worked at the scientific bureau of the Supreme Court for several years. She has been involved in the gas extraction case since 2017 and is involved in the legal aspects of claims settlement as a result of gas extraction. Janet was a member of the Hammerstein Committee that advised on claims handling in 2017. She regularly writes scientific articles (for example about the draft Bill for the Institute of Mining Damage Groningen) and gives lectures and courses on this subject.


Lecture George de Kam

George de Kam (emeritus professor of Housing and the Land Market at the University of Groningen) explains the current events surrounding the decline in the value of homes in earthquake zones. In recent months, the WAG Foundation has had models developed to substantiate a claim for a decrease in value for its (approximately 5,000) participants. At the end of September, the WAG Foundation asked the court to request an independent assessment of the models.

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