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Sarah has been working as a project secretary at the Knowledge Platform since it was founded in 2018. Before that, she covered the same role at Sustainable Society, where she also witnessed the establishment of the Knowledge Platform Earthquakes and Sustainable Development (KADO). With her years of experience and expertise, but also her eye for detail and care, she is an important link within the team. She gets a lot of satisfaction from the jointly organized activities. While her colleagues are responsible for the content, Sarah takes on the executive tasks and communicates with the many parties that have ties to the Knowledge Platform.

Sarah Oude Brunink

Project secretary

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KPL_22_portretten-52-WEB.jpg Gaskraan dicht, risk management, Huizinge, vertrouwen, effectgebied, wisselwoning, huisvesting, cultureel erfgoed, woningmarkt, veiligheid, immateriele schade, imago, leefbaarheid, groninger bodembeweging, groninger gasberaad, inwoner, ramp, crisis, overheid, Shell, Exxonmobil, NCG, IMG, NPG, CVB, provincie groningen, maatschappelijke gevolgen, bodemdaling, bevingen, mijnraad, miijnbouw, het groninger gasveld, ruimtelijke kwaliteit, risico, kamp, alders, vijlbrief, susan top, gaswinning, aardbevingen, Nij Begun, gas, fossiel, fossiele industrie, maatschappelijke impact, compensatie, Groningen, parlementaire enquete, parlementaire enquete commissie, energie, economie, ereschuld, erkenning, versterking, schade, gemeente groningen, gemeente midden-groningen, gemeente oldambt, gemeente veendam, gemmente noordenveld, gemeente westerkwartier, gemeente westerwolde, gemeente tynaarlo, gemeente Aa en hunze, gemeente eemsdelta, gemeente het hogeland, gemeente pekela,

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