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Aziza has been working as a researcher at the Knowledge Platform since August 2023. During her bachelor's degree in English Language and Culture and master's degree in Euroculture, she did research into the interaction between language, culture and society in an international context. Before that, she also studied for a period in Manchester (England) and Olomouc (Czech Republic). Yet, as a born and bred Groningen resident, she wanted to make a contribution to Groningen after graduating. From 2021 till 2023, she worked as a trainee at the Nationaal Programma Groningen at various authorities in the gas extraction area. She learned how important it is to have conversations with different actors in the case and connect multiple perspectives. After the traineeship, she wanted to continue working for Groningen. As a researcher at the Knowledge Platform, she hopes to contribute to sharing, interpreting and connecting existing knowledge about gas extraction in Groningen. She will work to bring people into dialogue within the gas extraction dossier and to disseminate the lessons of Groningen in an (inter)national setting. Based on her study background, she is also interested in the interaction between language, culture and society in this case. In this way, Aziza hopes to contribute to a more inclusive society in which everyone is taken into account.

Aziza Zijlstra

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NPG_21_Trainees-150.jpg Gaskraan dicht, risk management, Huizinge, vertrouwen, effectgebied, wisselwoning, huisvesting, cultureel erfgoed, woningmarkt, veiligheid, immateriele schade, imago, leefbaarheid, groninger bodembeweging, groninger gasberaad, inwoner, ramp, crisis, overheid, Shell, Exxonmobil, NCG, IMG, NPG, CVB, provincie groningen, maatschappelijke gevolgen, bodemdaling, bevingen, mijnraad, miijnbouw, het groninger gasveld, ruimtelijke kwaliteit, risico, kamp, alders, vijlbrief, susan top, gaswinning, aardbevingen, Nij Begun, gas, fossiel, fossiele industrie, maatschappelijke impact, compensatie, Groningen, parlementaire enquete, parlementaire enquete commissie, energie, economie, ereschuld, erkenning, versterking, schade, gemeente groningen, gemeente midden-groningen, gemeente oldambt, gemeente veendam, gemmente noordenveld, gemeente westerkwartier, gemeente westerwolde, gemeente tynaarlo, gemeente Aa en hunze, gemeente eemsdelta, gemeente het hogeland, gemeente pekela, geme
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